Saturday, May 10, 2008

tagged by kimberly~~

1.What is the most important things in your life?
Family,Meimei,Friends,and my handphone

2.Will you consider a sexual relationship before marriage?
No,never,will not even think of it....

3.Do you smoke?
NO..but secondary smoker yes

4.What is the lastest gadget that you own?
hmm my IPOD nano~~

5.Who did you mostly text yesterday?
Julie & Samantha

6.How old are you & are you a virgin?
18 and yes i m still a virgin~~

7.What is the lastest thing you bought with your own money?
the IPOD nano~~~weeee~~~

8.Where do you wish to get married?
haha..Somewhere not 2 open haha~~

9.How old do you think you will permenantly owned by your love?
tough wan but i pick tralalalalalalala~~~26 max haha

10.How many kids do you want?
ermm not 2 many not 2 few,2 is the best

11.Are you in love?
Ermmm well ermmm.....i love her but haven confessed my feelings to her but we are close

12.Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
haha...Waffle World~~~~in 1u

13.Name the latest book you bought?
ermm....ohyah Hypertune volume 78

14.What is your full name?
Pua Xian Yang

15.Do you prefer your mother or father
no question,mother~~~

16.Do you believe in God?

17.Name the person you wish to meet in real life for the first time
Xiah from DBSK

18.Christina or Britney?
ewwww,,, Christina all the way~~

19.Do you own a laudry?

20.The most exciting place you want to go?
my bed..haha just kidding Japan~~

21.Hugs or Kisses?

22.Single or attached?
Well depends...attached will b my pick

23.Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you
Best buddy~~=)
Music freak~~
luvsss Cao Ger~~~

24.8 things I am passionate about
everything in my life except tortilos

25. 8 things i say too often..
realli freaky
you again.....
oh would you shut ur piehole~~

26.Books i've read recently
ermmm ermmmm.....ohyah my Hypertune

27. 8 songs i listen to over and over again
-Zhou Da Xia(Jay Chow)
-Wo Bu Pei(Jay Chow)
-Superwoman(Cao Ger)
-Rising Sun(DBSK)
-Dangerous Mind(DBSK)
-Wait for You(Elliot Yamen)
-Fire On The Beat(Eurobeat Initial D)

28. 8 people to tag
Yee Munn
Zhi Wei
Su Ann
ermmm any1 else lolx haha

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