Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tagged bY jOsLyN meimei

beeen taggy by Joslyn meimei

1. Who & what is your relationship with the last person who tagged you?
Joslyn meimei luu XD my meimei luu haha~

2. Do you know wat is true love?
True love is being there 4 each other staying side by side no matter wat happen & nthing can break tat bond.

3. Who do you recently hang out with in msn?
LOL shirley meimei lubbyy

4. What is your relationship with her?
my closest meimei~~

5. Who is your beloves pet sis? only 1!!!
LOL i gt alot lerhXD but closest is shirley meimei & yee munn meimei luu cuz both of them are always there 4 me =]

6. Hu do u still in love with?
bu nen sou de mimi (secret)

7. Why do you create a blog?
cuz it is cool? hahaXD

8. You know your blog sucks? haha joking
Ahem ahem tqtq~

9. what do you like to eat?
2 many 2 list dwn hahaXD (P.S: i eat alot)

10. who are you having relationships nw?
haha the usual family, & shhhhh secret =]

11. ARRRGGhh I got nthing else 2 ask d..
good hahaXD

12. taggy goes to :
Shirley meimei
Kimberly Loh buddykuu

13. Who is number 1?
my lovely cuty shirley meimei lubby

14. What about number 3?
she is a good friend tat money can't buy =]

15. do number 5 love number 1?
HAHAHAHAHAHA nooooooooooo~

16. Number 2? siapa?
Kimberlyyyyy Loh my buddy i could go crazy wif hahaXD gonna go out wif her soon LOL~

17. Do u hav any relationship wif number 6?
haha best friends =]

tagged by joslyn meimei.

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