Sunday, August 2, 2009

the new future lies ahead

lol i knw i knw, my blog is kinda dead but still i did edit the songs haha
ok nothing much happen today apart from searching for a new tv after the old one
got spoilt (smoke coming out somemore leh)
so in the end selected and bought a samsung LCD tv wheeeeee lol
which will arrived on thursday which basically means no tv for like 4 days?
allright hmmmmm anything else?
lol my year end exam is arriving soon so means i got to burn the midnight oil again
but i think i have no more oil left to burn cuz of all use up during the assignements d haha
allright hmmmm ohyeahhhhh holiday is also coming also lol
so i got to get the outings plan wheeeeeeeee FINALLY
toodles peeps

waiting for G.I Joe to come out so FREAKING COOL

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